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pelajaran 13-tentang-sistim-eksresi-reptil
pelajaran 13 tentang sistim eksresi reptil
sumber berbahasa asing, dengan link di bawah ini :
eksresi reptil
pencernaan pada reptil modern mirip dari vertebrata yang lebih tinggi .
Ini termasuk :
dan kelenjar ludah nya ,
kerongkongan ,
dan berakhir di kloaka .
beberapa spesialisasi sistem pencernaan reptil , evolusi sepasang kelenjar
ludah ke kelenjar racun dalam ular berbisa adalah yang paling luar biasa.
perkembangan embrio vertebrata yang lebih tinggi ( reptil , burung , dan
mamalia ) berturut-turut mengembangkan tiga set terpisah ginjal , ini diatur
dalam urutan membujur dalam rongga tubuh .
pertama, pronephroi , adalah organ peninggalan yang tersisa dari masa lalu
evolusi dan menghilang tanpa memiliki
fungsi apapun .
Kedua , mesonephroi , adalah ginjal fungsional
dari amfibi dewasa, tetapi kontribusi
mereka untuk kehidupan reptil adalah dalam menyediakan saluran ( Wolffian duct ) yang membentuk hubungan antara
testis dan kloaka .
operasional Ginjal reptil , burung , dan mamalia
adalah set terakhir, metanephroi , yang memiliki saluran terpisah untuk kloaka
utama ginjal adalah penghapusan limbah nitrogen yang dihasilkan dari oksidasi
protein dan regulasi kehilangan air .
menghilangkan tiga jenis limbah nitrogen :
asam urat / uric acid .
Amonia dan urea sangat larut dalam air, tetapi
tidak untuk asam
. Amonia sangat beracun , urea sedikit beracun , dan asam urat tidak beracun
sama sekali
reptil perairan cenderung
mengeluarkan sebagian besar limbah tersebut sebagai amonia dalam larutan berair
. Metode ini menggunakan sejumlah besar air dan tidak masalah bagi populasi air tawar , seperti
buaya , yang menghilangkan antara 40 dan 75 persen dari limbah nitrogen sebagai
amonia .
darat , seperti kebanyakan ular dan kadal , harus menghemat air tubuh , dan
mereka mengubah limbah nitrogen mereka untuk tidak larut , asam urat yang tidak berbahaya , yang membentuk
massa lebih atau kurang solid dalam kloaka .
ular dan kadal , limbah tersebut
dikeluarkan dari kloaka bersama-sama dengan limbah dari sistem pencernaan .
Sebelum evolusi ginjal metanephric ,
produk-produk dari gonad jantan
, testis , melalui saluran yang sama
dengan limbah nitrogen dari ginjal . Tetapi dengan munculnya metanephros ,
kedua sistem menjadi terpisah .
Sistem reproduksi betina pernah berbagi tabung sama dengan
ginjal . Saluran telur pada semua vertebrata betina timbul sebagai tabung terpisah dengan bukaan yang biasanya dekat , tapi tidak
terhubung ke , ovarium . Saluran telur , seperti saluran Wolffian dari testis ,
terbuka ke kloaka . ovarium dan testis terletak pada
rongga tubuh di dekat ginjal
Dengan evolusi telur reptil , fertilisasi
internal menjadi penting . Para jantan
dari semua reptil modern, dengan
pengecualian pada tuataras , memiliki fungsional organ sanggama / copulatory organs .
Struktur bervariasi dari satu kelompok ke kelompok lainnya , tetapi semuanya termasuk jaringan ereksi sebagai elemen
penting dari mekanisme operasi , dan menonjol melalui kloaka jantan ke dalam betina selama kopulasi .
Tidak seperti penis kura-kura dan buaya , organ
sanggama / copulatory organ kadal dan ular dipasangkan , dengan
masing-masing unit yang disebut hemipenis . hemipenis kadal dan ular dengan struktur tubular memanjang berada di bagian ekor . Penis
buaya atau kura-kura menonjol melalui pembukaan kloaka sepenuhnya dengan cara
mengisi ruang darah / blood
space ( sinus ) di penis , penonjolan hemipenis kadal atau
ular , bagaimanapun , dimulai oleh
sepasang otot propulsor .
Penyelesaian ereksi dibawa oleh darah yang mengisi sinus dalam jaringan
ereksi . Hanya satu hemipenis yang dimasukkan ke se ekor betina , sesuai kesempatan . Tidak seperti penis mamalia , organ sanggama
reptil tidak mengangkut sperma melalui tabung . Saluran dari testis ,
sebagaimana telah disebutkan , kosong ke dalam kloaka , dan aliran sperma berada di sepanjang alur pada
permukaan penis atau hemipenis .
teks asli :
Describe excretory system of reptiles?
Digestive and urogenital systems
The digestive system of modern reptiles is similar in general plan to that of all higher vertebrates. It includes the mouth and its salivary glands, the esophagus, the stomach, and the intestine and ends in a cloaca. Of the few specializations of the reptilian digestive system, the evolution of one pair of salivary glands into poison glands in the venomous snakes is the most remarkable.
development the embryos of higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds, and mammals)
consecutively develop three separate sets of kidneys; these are arranged in
longitudinal sequence in the body cavity. The first set, the pronephroi, are
vestigial organs left over from the evolutionary past that soon degenerate and
disappear without having had any function. The second set, the mesonephroi, are
the functional kidneys of adult amphibians, but their only contribution to the
lives of reptiles is in providing the duct (the Wolffian duct) that forms a
connection between the testes and the cloaca. The operational kidneys of
reptiles, birds, and mammals are the last set, the metanephroi, which have
separate ducts to the cloaca. The principal functions of the kidney are the
removal of nitrogenous wastes resulting from the oxidation of proteins and the
regulation of water loss. Vertebrates eliminate three kinds of nitrogenous
wastes: ammonia, urea, and uric acid. Ammonia and urea are highly soluble in
water, but uric acid is not. Ammonia is highly poisonous, urea is slightly
poisonous, and uric acid is not poisonous at all.
Among reptiles the form taken by the nitrogenous wastes is closely
related to the habits and habitat of the animal. Aquatic reptiles tend to
excrete a large proportion of these wastes as ammonia in aqueous solution. This
method uses large amounts of water and is no problem for a freshwater resident,
such as an alligator, which eliminates between 40 and 75 percent of its
nitrogenous wastes as ammonia. Terrestrial reptiles, such as most snakes and
lizards, must conserve body water, and they convert their nitrogenous wastes to
insoluble, harmless uric acid, which forms a more or less solid mass in the
cloaca. In snakes and lizards, these wastes are eliminated from the cloaca
together with wastes from the digestive system.
Prior to the evolution of the metanephric kidney, the products of the male gonad, the testis, traveled through the same duct with the nitrogenous wastes from the kidney. But with the appearance of the metanephros, the two systems became separated. The female reproductive system never shared a common tube with the kidney. Oviducts in all female vertebrates arise as separate tubes with openings usually near, but not connected to, the ovaries. The oviducts, like the Wolffian ducts of the testes, open to the cloaca. Both ovaries and testes lie in the body cavity near the kidneys.
Prior to the evolution of the metanephric kidney, the products of the male gonad, the testis, traveled through the same duct with the nitrogenous wastes from the kidney. But with the appearance of the metanephros, the two systems became separated. The female reproductive system never shared a common tube with the kidney. Oviducts in all female vertebrates arise as separate tubes with openings usually near, but not connected to, the ovaries. The oviducts, like the Wolffian ducts of the testes, open to the cloaca. Both ovaries and testes lie in the body cavity near the kidneys.
With the evolution of the reptilian egg, internal fertilization became
necessary. The males of all modern reptiles, with the exception of tuataras,
have functional copulatory organs. The structures vary from group to group, but
all include erectile tissue as an important element of the operating mechanism,
and all are protruded through the male's cloaca into that of the female during
copulation. Unlike the penis of turtles and crocodiles, the copulatory organ of
lizards and snakes is paired, with each unit being called a hemipenis. The
hemipenes of lizards and snakes are elongated tubular structures lying in the
tail. The penis of a crocodile or turtle is protruded through the cloacal
opening wholly by means of a filling of blood space (sinuses) in the penis;
protrusion of a lizard's or snake's hemipenis, however, is begun by a pair of
propulsor muscles. Completion of the erection is brought about by blood filling
the sinuses in the erectile tissue. Only one hemipenis is inserted into a
female, but which one is a matter of chance. Unlike the penis of mammals, the
copulatory organs of reptiles do not transport sperm through a tube. The ducts
from the testes, as already mentioned, empty into the cloaca, and the sperm
flow along a groove on the surface of the penis or hemipenis.